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city and guilds
The City and Guilds NVQ Level 6 in Construction Site Management is perfect for construction professionals aiming to gain recognized qualifications. Offered by the College of Contract Management, this course provides the skills and knowledge required to excel in site management roles. City and Guilds certifications are trusted by employers for their focus on quality and industry relevance. Completing this NVQ demonstrates your ability to manage teams, ensure safety compliance, and deliver successful projects. For those looking to progress into higher managerial positions, this qualification offers a strong foundation. City and Guilds remains a mark of excellence in professional training.

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ents 24
Wondering how ents 24 and a Certificate of Higher Education can set you on a strong career path? The College of Contract Management offers insights into the benefits of this qualification, helping you understand how it can open doors to both immediate job opportunities and advanced study options.

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rics pathway guide
The rics pathway guide is essential for understanding the skills and knowledge required for RICS chartered status. The College of Contract Management provides APC coaching services to assist candidates in mastering these competencies. Their personalized coaching sessions are aligned with RICS standards, ensuring practical knowledge and skill application. This partnership between candidates and the College creates a solid pathway to achieving RICS qualification.

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Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Do you want to become a successful entrepreneur someday? UNICCM offers program on Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship that will help you enhance your problem-solving, critical thinking, strategic thinking and effective communication skills. Check UNICCM website and enroll now!

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computer courses
Courses that have skyrocketing demands are computer courses, because computers simply became humanity's essentials in today's modern technology to help on different tasks. That is why if you are an individual who has already introduced yourself to AI and machine learning industry, the College of Contract Management Professional Diploma in Data Science is for you.

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construction enquirer
Need a platform that provides news, updates and insights related to the construction industry. The UNICCM provides a construction enquirer that focuses on the latest contract opportunities within construction sectors. They are an essential source for anyone involved in the construction world.

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computer courses
If you've already taken up computer courses in the past and you want to widen your knowledge and elevate your skills in the field, the College of Contract Management offers professional diploma level. All the things you need to know is on their website, where you can also ask for more information if you do have queries.


rics candidate guide
When entering a coaching program for RICS APC, you should start with the rics candidate guide to get an overview of what you should expect. Preparing before the initial process is one way to know you will succeed.

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Het is vandaag 8 jaar geleden, dit lijk lang en dat is het misschien ook wel. Mijn leeftijd is ondertussen het dubbele van vandaag 8 jaar geleden. Het is misschien niet heel vers meer, maar mijn gedachten worden nog dagelijks gevuld door het gemis, gelach en gedachten over leuke en minder leuke momenten. Ik had me voorgenomen maar een zin te schrijven, maar geen aantal woorden zal ooit echt genoeg zijn. X Denise


Lieve Sylvia, 16 juni wie wil deze dag? Het is de datum waar ik liefst omheen zou sluipen maar hij komt sowieso de dagen ervoor wil ik niet aftellen maar toch gaan ze voorbij. Er gebeurt zoveel om ons heen maar één ding blijft en dat is het gevoel. Het gevoel waar je niet zomaar een plekje voor vind. Maar in de jaren heb ik gemerkt dat er altijd wel iets is waardoor ik aan je denk. Ik ben zo blij dat ik je heb mogen ontmoeten en ik weet er zal geen dag meer zijn zonder jou. Lieve Richard, Marion, Daniël, Ilse en Nienke heel veel sterkte en een dikke knuffel. Rick, Jacqueline en Denise

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